Get Involved
We offer a wide variety of free nature-based programming suitable for all to enjoy regardless of experience level. Explore the below opportunities and register for those that interest you. Some opportunities may have limited availability. We look forward to stewarding these experiences with nature within the Blue River watershed. Hope to see you there!
2025 Events & Programs
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Nature Walk

February 24: GreenGuard Environmental Stewardship Program application deadline

April 25-28: City Nature Challenge

Volunteer Workdays
Woodland Restoration – Heartland Overlook Preserve
Morning (9am-12pm) and afternoon (12:30-3:30pm) sessions offered for the following dates:
Trash Clean Up – Various Locations
April 5: Project Blue River Rescue #35 – Municipal Farm

April 12: Blue River Rd – Heartland Overlook Preserve
Guided Nature Tours

March 29 (8-10am): Bird Hike with local birding expert at Alex George Wetland

April 19th (2pm-4pm): Fungi Foray with local mycologist at the Blue River Parkway at Minor Park

May TBD: Kayaking the Blue River (details coming soon)