Education & Outreach Program
Connecting Communities, Nurturing Nature

Connecting People with Nature
We believe in the power of the people. Communities who can actively engage in outdoor education and conservation practices will make the place we call home – where we work, play, live – have lasting value. We strive to make our outreach resources accessible and relevant for landowners, land managers, neighborhoods, youth, adults, policy makers and conservation organizations.
Outdoor Education Events
Our events encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with nature. Those who have a deeper connection to and can access the benefits provided by nature are healthier, happier, and can pass on their love to future generations.
Public Engagement
Kansas City is home to beautiful places and dedicated individuals, organizations, and government agencies protecting, restoring and caring for our region’s natural resources. Heartland Conservation Alliance and our Partners know that by leveraging our strengths we will have a collective impact on the health of natural communities and make a long-term difference.
Get Involved
If you’re interested in experiencing the Blue River and joining our exciting nature-based adventures, be sure to keep an eye on our Community Calendar for upcoming event dates.
You can also sign up for our newsletter to keep up with what’s going on in the watershed.
Contact HCA Outreach & Education Program Manager with additional questions at [TBD]